1、2017年1月4号凌晨,我上传700多个产品,但是最后失败了60多个,我一看报告竟然是 系统侦测到你正在 不正常使用UPC,现暂时移除你的 上传新产品的权限,我遇到这个情况,但不是我的账号,那时等了好几天 我上班的账号才自动恢复,开始我也是等了两天,还是不行,于是我就想到联系亚马逊说明情况 解除它,那是7号星期六,亚马逊没有在线聊天,于是我就写邮件,没想到亚马逊打电话过来,于是我就电话里问她,是不是亚马逊对上传产品有数量限制啊, 她说是的, 我说那是多少啊, 她说不确定 可能大概是一个星期1000到2000个,我一听,连你们都不知道,还做什么客服啊,当然我没说出我的想法给她, 毕竟我们是求她办事, 她建议我等到下个星期,7号星期六,美国星期五,我要等到10号啊,9号星期一,我等不了了,心里还是想试试,于是晚上8点多,试了,竟然解除限制了,很高兴,于是我把我没上传的1000多个产品全上传了, 不过这次,我是分开上传的,目的是为了测试亚马逊到底数量限制多少,我连续上传了600多,都没问题,直到我全部上完,也没发现问题,不过也没得到答案,但是有一点是对的,一次上传100到150是没事的,不要一个表格一下子 上传300以上全是新产品,上传完后第二天10号就有单了,上午去买货下午发货,回来后不久,亚马逊就发来邮件说我的账户或许由于产品侵权,并指出那个侵权的名字,就是上面那个熊,它是日本的Rilakuma,我真的吓了一大跳,顿时不知所措,然后去查这个产品, 这下完了。
2、然后我就按照网上说的去申诉,下面是我的长篇英文,主要两点,我是有经验的,我承认错误等。Dear Amazon seller support,Thank you for your concern of myaccount.We just received a notification today that our selling privilege has been removed because it may be acounterfeit product, here is ASIN, xxxxxx, i immediately check the listing, it is a iPhone7 bear doll phone case with hanging sling, i just upload this product on 1/8/17 6:09:57 AM PST, Batch ID: 50181017174. I take long time to find special products from suppliers, and make my products excel more perfectly, then i upload many products recently, but Amazon stop me to do like that, and temporarily close my right to upload new products on 4th,January, i have meet this condition when i worked for a company last year, i know it will take some days to recover, then i ask for help from Amazon, i explain it again and they suggest me to wait for next Tuesday, one day later, it is Monday in China, i just want to try again if it is right that the account only can upload specified amount for new products, i can’t believe, it recover, i feel so happy, then i upload my new product again, but this time i upload 100-150 products every time, then it is ok, i believe my products is attractive and our customers will like them, today i get a order from my yesterday new listings, i feel very happy that i am right when i choose special products. I worked for a company last year, name is 000000, you can check it, all products on selling i uploaded, when i leave the company, i learned many many for Brand products, so the 000000 account never closed by “Brand”, i am very carefully for new special products, when i doubt one product, i will check it online, then decide if upload it so that there will be no trouble for Amazon and me, the reason i choose to leave the company is there will be a good income if we are more professional on Amazon, i thought i have the ability to be more professional, second, i love to find new designs and share them to my friends, then i choose to build my account and sell on Amazon, i am 24years old, i can struggle for my young life, this is my new dream, just so! However, i still made a big mistake, i should check the bear yesterday, instead i feel happy and try to upload if my account recover, if there is a specific restrictive quantity for uploading new product one week, if does, what’s the quantity for one week, which the Amazon service also don’t know when i ask last Saturday, it is very important that i really need to know the exact number.....My account lived for 4 months, i build my dream when i worked for the company, my account is young, but actually my experience not, you can check 000000 account, there are at least 130 good seller feedback, many feedback and even product review said this seller is very good, because i have one year experience to make traditional foreign trade on 2014-2015, i write many emails to my customers before i meet Amazon, i like to talk with them by my heart, so they can know me and trust me, give their orders to me, i feel proud.....Now i need your hep again, i just check the bear doll, it is a Japan Brand, Rilakuma, i thought only U.S. BROWN BEAR is a very popular one, i really don’t know this Japan bear, but i am very very sorry that i violated the policy of Amazon for this product, it is my disgrace to make such a big mistake, i find the product, delete all by uploading inventory files, so it can disappear quickly from my account, now i explain my 4 months works for you, sell on Amazon is my dream, i beg you to forgive my hesternal mistake, i just made my first FBA by my own experience, it sell well than i expected, i really don’t want to break my dream today, i will be more, more carefully for each product, never let this mistake happen again, no trouble for Amazon, i promise! Thank you very much!Just like 000000 account, i will also earn 130 good seller feedback for one year, provide best honest service to our customers, reply and solve every problem actively for our customer, let them feel happy to purchase on Amazon.And please Amazon check all my listing, you can find that every first bullet point is “Warning:There are many cheaters who use a software to follow other sellers' product listings by a very low price, in fact, they don't ship any thing, you can check if their record of feedback condition is normal? If they have their own products? Don't waste your money and time for trouble”, i am also a victimwhen i work for 000000, because 000000 have many orders, many good products i upload, these cheaters follow many products in a short time since last September, i thought many ways to avoid this, i found many cheaters’account dead by a negative seller feedback, then i got a idea to tell this to customers at a obvious place of Amazon product page, it works, so my new products also use this way to let my customer to avoid trouble, and choose right seller to fulfill its order, because these cheaters will ship nothing or very poor quality products to customers, and these customers will leave bad seller feedback for these cheaters, but will also leave bad product review for my listing, it is unfair, so i also told this to Amazon, and i also wrote an email to [email protected],report this and hope to solve this problem, and i thought many ways to avoid by myself, just worry about one thing, the customer will receive poor quality and feel bad on Amazon.In a word, i really really need this account, i took long time for my Amazon account, please don’t let my hesternal mistake to break my dream, please please let me keep to sell on Amazon!Look forward to receive your reply!Best regards,Store name: Email:Phone:+862017年1月11号上午, 亚马逊看了我的申诉,决定还是不让我继续卖产品了,我很绝望,也很生气,而就是这个时候改变了最终的结局
3、请先看亚马逊发来的邮件:Hello, You currently may not sell on Amazon.com because you are offering items that may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic. Examples of these items are at the end of this email.不知道你发现什么问题没有,对, 就是这个单词“may”,或许,也就是亚马逊没有100%确定,在我第一封邮件申诉时,我承认我侵权了,亚马逊一看,哦,自己承认了,那好,那简单多了,你就滚蛋吧,别在亚马逊卖了! 这就是套路啊,同志们!不打自招了,说什么自己错了,给个机会吧, 有用吗?审核的人会是你命中的贵人吗?他很仁慈吗?不会!!!这里有一个大大的Bug, 就是专业!你们可以看一下,申诉的选项里,系统会给你一个模板,里面的内容是什么呢:知道自己错哪了吗?知道 接下来要干什么吗?这两点就是为了看你专业不专业, 那么你要反过来想了, 你亚马逊审核团队专业吗?用一个 模棱两可的词 “may”来忽悠我,让我跳进你的陷阱,这下等于证据确凿了,而且不打自招了,这就是套路啊,是个陷阱啊,对于产品,那个熊公仔,你说侵权就侵权了,你说他是日本的牌子就是了,有证据吗,一开始,只发一个ASIN 加一个名字 还用了一个单词“may”没有进一步的 充分说明,在我自己承认了后,坚决关了我的账号,这还了得,我要投诉你这个不专业的审核团队,你们的手法是不合法的。我说我能提供证据证明我所说的,有必要的话,咱可以去法庭当面对质!我之所以会想到这个,是因为 那个刀锋战士,运动员,他涉嫌杀害自己的女友,但是证据是 强行闯入他的家才取得的证据,后来被法官判为 方法不当,无罪释放!除此之外,我还说了另一个重点,请看下面内容,谢谢
4、我前面强调了时间,因为亚马逊关了我的上传权限,于是我寻求帮助于亚马逊客服,客服也不知道具体的数量是多少,这个本身就不专业,你不专业,但是我要探个究竟,于是我自己做测试上传我的新产品,刚上完,第二天亚马逊就发现了我的一个产品有问题,我还没卖一个这个熊,我解释 :由于你们亚马逊客服不专业,还得卖方自己去做测试,这需要花时间吧,短时间内1000多个产品 怎么可能做得完,于是我把我的早已准备的新产品 去做测试,1个多小时,产品上完了,也没得到答案,如果亚马逊客服专业的话, 我还用着这么着急去上传吗,有那个时间,我本可以 好好地 仔细检查我的表格,发现问题并解决,也就不会出现昨天的错误,现在你要我一个人来承担这个事情,公平吗?某人必须也要站出来给个说法!!!
5、我在生气的情况下 去赌一把,我真的很绝望,不知道会不会有作用,但是我就要说出来让他看,我提供了我的 case id,证明我电话联系过亚马逊客服,但是他们没有给我一个确切的答案,还有我测试的上传记录 ID, 我在邮件里 多次强调 这个单词“may”,说他们不专业,而且还是套路,然后我就发邮件给 另一个团队把 这几张图片发给他们,我刚发完,亚马逊说 我们同意你继续在亚马逊销售,我看3遍,然后我哭了......
6、这是我举报的内容 加 我第二次申诉的内容I report a Track from [email protected], i need your help to check this, someone should also take responsible for this case, please don't transfer this case to pg-review again, because i am also reporting their problem for this case, thank you very much! Following are details:这是我第二次申诉发的内容Your email have a big problem, it is improper: "because you are offering items that may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic", you said "may infringe" and "may be inauthentic", which mean not sure 100%, but we can contact you, there are 3 ways to reply your email, first is deny because you said"may", second we said apologize to you and beg your pity, third, we offer all document you requested, actually, this is a trap after seller reply you, this is illegal.Second, Amazon didn't tell seller the quantity of uploading new products, after seller ask for Amazon service, Amazon can't offer a exact number to seller, this is not professional service, next seller want to test the quantity by itself because the seller worry about its account, seller took long time to make the inventory files, because the seller want to know the exact quantity, seller sacrifice the time to check its inventory files, instead upload its files directly for getting the answer, its your fault of Amazon service, you don't tell me the exact number and let seller find it by itself, if test, it need a lot of new products, it will need much time to make the file, then test it, but seller have made such a file with many products, if you tell me the exact quantity, seller will not test it by sacrificing the time to check inventory file, now you found my product "may infringe" and "may be inauthentic", not sure 100%, then confirm it 100% after seller reply you, and keep to close seller's account, so who should take responsible for this fault? I can provide the evidence what i said, here are case id:2024796131 2024806251, they are calling contact, suggest me to wait, when i said if it is restrictive quantity for one week, they also said "maybe" and don't know exact quantity, which is absolutely unprofessionally, then here are Batch ID: 50180017174 50181017174 50182017174, i can't find more early date because the Amazon system don't provide such a service, you can check them, i want to say if i should take all responsible for this fault with your unprofessional "may" and "may be"?I write many words to explain why i upload the "may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic" you said, and i am also a professional seller with one year experience, i ask for you to check, do you really check what i said? There are any evidence?I delete all "items that may infringe intellectual property rights or may be inauthentic" you said, and write my plan and explain why i plan, whatever my English is, but you can read it what i am expressing, right?In a word, you use "may" this unconvinced word to wait my reply, then my reply became your answer, this is unprofessional for you [email protected] team, please tell me how i can report this trap to a person who can review your work, u . s . federal constitution? Now i make a screen shoot for this case as a evidence, everything must to have a evidence, so it can be convinced at a court, i don't threat anybody, i just want this justicial with evidence, somebody also must to take responsible for this.I will ship all order of my account, it is nothing about our customers, you really don't need to emphasize this again and again by a common email template, this is also unprofessional. So now may i know if you take more time to check more details for this case?I am waiting for your justicial reply!
7、整个过程就是这样了,不知道能给你带来多少,总之这是我亲身经历的,之前,我的老板不让我去 申诉 A-To-Z claim,我不听,我就是要申诉,不申诉,损失了钱,还得了一个坏的影响,已经这样了为何不申诉,我申诉多次,由于我订单多,所以影响不是很大,最重要的是 我要测试 亚马逊那些团队的 执法 尺度,他们到底更关心什么,对于客服或团队个人,他又担心什么? 失去工作?怕投诉?是我们求他还是他求我们?对于这种情况 为什么我们变得这么被动? 我相信 对于一个问题 至少有两种解决办法,就看你愿不愿意花时间去找!我的这个方法是在特殊情况下发生的,用的也是特殊的方法,希望对你也有用!龙之紫河南漯河