2、背包问题wiki可以想象这样一个场景——小偷在屋子里偷东西,他带着一只背包。屋子里物品数量有限——每件物品都具有一定的重量和价值——珠宝重量轻但价值孕驷巴墟高,桌 子重但价值低。最重要的是小偷背包容量有限。很明显,他不能把桌子分成两份或者带走珠宝的3/4。对于一件物品他只能选择带走或者不带走。示例:Knapsack Max weight : W = 10 (units)Total items : N = 4Values of items : v[] = {10, 40, 30, 50}Weight of items : w[] = {5, 4, 6, 3}从示例数据大致估算一下,最大重量为10时背包能容纳的物品最大价值为50+40=90,重量为7。
3、解决方法:最佳的解决方法是使用动态规划——先得到该问题的局部解然后扩展到全局问题解。构建物品X在不同重量时的价值数组V(Value数组):V[N][W] = 4 rows * 10 columns该矩阵中的每个值的求解都代表一个更小的背包问题。初始情况一:对于第0列,它的含义是背包的容量为0。此时物品的价值呢?没有。因此,第一列都填入0。初始情况二:对于第0行,它的含义是屋内没有物品。那么没有任何物品的背包里的价值多少呢?还是没有!所有都是0。
7、为什么是前一行?简单来说,重量为4的前一行的值本身就是个更小的背包问题解,它的含义是到该重量时背包内物品的最大价值(通过遍历物品得到)。举邗锒凳审个例子:当前物品价值 = 40当前物品重量 = 4剩余重量 = 4-4 = 0查看上面的行(物品1或者其余行的值)。剩余容量为0时,可以再容纳物品1吗?对于该给定的重量值上面的行还有任何值吗?计算过程如下:1) 计算不放入该物品时该重量的最大价值:previous row, same weight = 0=> V[item-1][weight]2) 计算当前物品的价值 + 可以容纳的剩余重量的价值Value of current item+ value in previous row with weight 4 (total weight until now (4) - weight of the current item (4))=> val[item-1] + V[item-1][weight-wt[item-1]]找到二者之中的最大值40(0和40)。3) 下一次最重要的位置为第2行第9列。意味着此时重量为9,放入两件物品。根据示例数据现在可以放入两件物品。我们作了以下判断:1. The value of the current item = 402. The weight of the current item = 43. The weight that is left over = 9 - 4 = 54. Check the row above. At the remaining weight 5, are we able to
8、计算如下:不加入该物品时该重量的最大价值:previous row, same weight = 10计算当前物品的价值+可以容纳的剩余重量的价值Value of current item (40)+ value in previous row with weight 5 (total weight until now (9) - weight of the current item (4))= 1010vs50 = 50。解决了所有的子问题之后,返回V[N][W]的值——4件物品重量为10时:
9、复杂度解法的复杂度非常直观。在N次循环中有W次循环 => O(NW)
10、实现Java代码实现:class Knapsack {publ坡纠课柩ic static void main(String[柯计瓤绘] args) throws Exception {int val[] = {10, 40, 30, 50};int wt[] = {5, 4, 6, 3};int W = 10;System.out.println(knapsack(val, wt, W));}public static int knapsack(int val[], int wt[], int W) {//Get the total number of items.//Could be wt.length or val.length. Doesn't matterint N = wt.length;//Create a matrix.//Items are in rows and weight at in columns +1 on each sideint[][] V = new int[N + 1][W + 1];//What if the knapsack's capacity is 0 - Set//all columns at row 0 to be 0for (int col = 0; col <= W; col++) {V[0]<div class="column col-1-2"><p></p></div> = 0;}//What if there are no items at home.//Fill the first row with 0for (int row = 0; row <= N; row++) {V[row][0] = 0;}for (int item=1;item<=N;item++){//Let's fill the values row by rowfor (int weight=1;weight<=W;weight++){//Is the current items weight less//than or equal to running weightif (wt[item-1]<=weight){//Given a weight, check if the value of the current//item + value of the item that we could afford//with the remaining weight is greater than the value//without the current item itselfV[item][weight]=Math.max (val[item-1]+V[item-1][weight-wt[item-1]], V[item-1][weight]);}else {//If the current item's weight is more than the//running weight, just carry forward the value//without the current itemV[item][weight]=V[item-1][weight];}}}//Printing the matrixfor (int[] rows : V) {for (int col : rows) {System.out.format("%5d", col);}System.out.println();}return V[N][W];}}