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时间:2024-10-13 11:35:40

1、"adjust"是一个动词,意思是改变或调整某事物以使其更好或更合适。例如:他调整眼镜为了看得更清楚。He adjusted his glasses to see better.她调整了空调的温度使房间更舒适。She adjusted the temperature of the air conditioning to make the room more comfortable.

2、"adjust",它可以指对某物的功能或外观进行小调整以改氚孱节徘善它,或对适应新情况或目的进行更大调整。例如:公司不得不调整其商业计划以适应市场变化。The company had to adjust its business plan to adapt to the changing market conditions.他们调整了时间表以适应新的会议时间。They adjusted their schedule to accommodate the new meeting time.

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