1、首先,我们来复习下基本的时态和句型。比如:Hainan is famous for the beautiful sea.Many people spend their summer there.我们再来举个一般现在时的例子吧。I have a lot of plans for my weekend,such as playing computer games.But I have to do my homework first.接下里,我们来看一下一般过去时的例子。注意要用动词的过去式。Last summer, I went to Nanjing with my family.And we stayed there for a week.Last Sundya,we all had a good time.This is a wonderful trip.
2、下面我们要开始具体写作的曰搬嚏嘀步骤了。Step One 确定主题这种总分总的写作方式,我们在上次课程中已经具体讲解过了。
3、Step two 构建支架总 ---- 事件简介(呼应题目)
4、第二部分 分 ---- 详细事情经过 (要点+亮点)
5、Step three第三部分 总 ---- 事件总结(点题+感受)填充内容(漂亮词,多变句型,连接词)