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时间:2024-10-12 17:48:19

1、牛奶、豆浆 Milk, soybean milk, 这两种食物中含有大量的蛋白质,空痨个壕剧腹饮用,蛋白质将“被迫”转化为热能消耗掉,起不到营养滋补作用。正确的饮用方法是与点心、面饼等含面粉的食品同食,或餐后两小时再喝,或睡前喝均可Many protein is contained in these two kinds of food and drink on an empty stomach, protein will be "forced" into heat energy consume, no nutritional tonic.What would be the right way to drink and snacks, such as bread flour food with food, or 2 hours after meal or drink, or drink before bed


2、酸奶 yogurt空腹饮用酸奶,会使酸奶的保健作用减弱,而饭后两小时饮用,或睡前喝,既有滋补保健、促进消化作用,又有排气通便作用。 Hollow drink yogurt, will make the health benefits of yogurt is abate, and two hours after dinner drink, or drink before going to bed both nourishing and healthcare, promote digestion, and exhaust gas purge role


3、白 酒 liquor  空腹饮酒会刺激胃黏膜,久之易引起胃炎、胃溃疡等疾病。另外,人空腹时,本身血糖就低,此时饮酒,人体很快出现低血糖,脑组织会因缺乏葡萄糖的供应而发生功能性障碍,出现头晕、心悸、出冷汗及饥饿感,严重者会发生低血糖昏迷Drink on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, easy cause gastritis, peptic ulcer disease.In addition, people on an empty stomach, itself low blood sugar, drinking at this time, the body quickly appear hypoglycemia, brain tissue may occur due to a lack of supply of glucose and functional disorder, appear dizziness, palpitation, sweating, and hunger, serious hypoglycemic coma will occur


4、茶 TEA空腹饮茶能稀释胃液,降低消化功能,还会引起“茶醉”,表现为心慌、头晕、头痛、乏力、站立不稳等。Hollowdrinking teacandilutegastric juice,reducedigestfunction,stillcancause"teadrunk",performanceforflustered,dizziness,headaches,fatigue,standinginstability,etc


5、白糖 White sugar 糖是一种极易消化吸收的食品,空腹大量吃糖,人体短时间内不能分绛魏廓茌泌足够的胰岛素来维持血糖的正常苒锃巳伢值,使血液中的血糖骤然升高容易导致眼疾。而且糖属酸性食品,空腹吃糖还会破坏机体内的酸碱平衡和各种微生物的平衡,对健康不利 Sugar is a kind of extremely easy digestion and absorption of food, a lot of sugar on an empty stomach, the body in a short period of time can't produce enough insulin to maintain the normal blood sugar, blood sugar in the blood rise easily lead to eye disease.And sugar acid food, fasting sugar can destroy the acid-base balance within the body and balance of various microorganisms, adverse to health


6、柿子、西红柿 Persimmon, tomato, 含有较多的果胶、单宁酸,上述物质与胃酸发生化学反应生成难以溶解的凝胶块,易形成胃结石。 Contains more pectin, tannic acid, these substances react with hydrochloric acid in gastric juice generated difficult to dissolve the aerogel tiles, cause gastric calculus.


7、香 蕉 Sweet banana 香蕉中有较多的镁元素,空腹吃香蕉会使人体中的镁骤然升高而破坏人体血液中的镁钙平衡,对心血管产生抑制作用,不利于身体健康 There are more bananas magnesium, fasting bananas can make magnesium lifts abruptly in the body and destroys human blood calcium magnesium balance, on cardiovascular inhibition, is not conducive to health


8、山楂、桔子 Hawthorn, orange含有大量的有机酸、果酸、山楂酸、枸橼酸等,空腹食用,会使胃酸猛增,对胃黏膜造成不良刺激,使胃胀满、嗳气、吐酸水。 Contains a lot of organic acid, tartaric acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid, etc., eat on an empty stomach, can make the stomach acid, cause undesirable stimulation to gastric mucosa, the stomach bilges, belch, vomit acid wate


9、大 蒜 Big garlic 大蒜含有强烈辛辣味的大蒜素,空腹食蒜,会对胃黏膜、肠壁造成强烈的刺激,引起胃肠痉挛、绞痛。 Garlic contains strong spicy garlic, fasting eat garlic, can cause intense stimulation to the gastric mucosa, intestinal wall, cause stomach cramps, and colic.


10、白 薯 White potatoes. 白薯中含有单宁和胶质,会刺激胃壁分泌更多胃酸,引起烧心等不适感 Sweet potato contains tannin and gelatin, can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid more, cause heartburn and other discomfort


11、冷 饮 Cold drink 空腹状态下暴饮各种冷冻食品,会刺激胃肠发生挛缩,久之将导致各种酶促化学反应失调,诱发肠胃疾病 Boozing fasting state of all kinds of frozen food, can stimulate gastrointestinal contracture, time will lead to a variety of enzymatic reaction disorders, trigger gastrointestinal diseases

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