1、【 harass 】美:[ˈhærəs, həˈræs] 英:['hærəs; hə'ræs]vt. 使困扰;使烦恼;反复袭击To annoy, pester, or harass. 惹怒,骚扰或纠缠。To harass or disturb by repeated attacks. 打搅,干扰,扰乱用屡次的攻击使人厌烦或打扰。
2、【 maintenance 】美:职邗珩垃['mentənəns] 英:[ˈmeɪntənəns]n. 维护,维修;保持;生活费用Such tasks include opening 锾攒揉敫and closing the garage door, starting the engine, and stopping at traffic lights, in addition to putting oil and gas in the car and performing periodic maintenance. 这些任务包括打开和关闭车门、开动引擎、在红绿灯面前停车,为车加油及进行定期的养护。Both have their due office and place in the maintenance of Religion. 二者在护持宗教上都有相当的责任和地位。
3、【 pronunciation 】美:[prə,nʌnsɪ'eʃən] 英:[prə,nʌnsɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]n. 发音;读法His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American. 他的发音显露出他是美国人。Her English pronunciation is not so bad in general. 她的英语发音一般来说是不错的。
4、【 Arctic 】美:['ɑrktɪk] 英:['ɑːktɪk]n. 北极圈;御寒防水套鞋n. (Arctic)人名;(英)阿克蒂克adj. 北极的;极寒的He is an Arctic explorer. 他是个北极探险家。The explorer lectured on life in the Arctic. 那位探险家演讲北极的生活。
5、【 occurred 】美:[əˈkɜrd] 英:[əˈkɜd]v. 发生(occur的过去分词)Whereas the following incidents have occurred... 鉴于下列事件业已发生...。He was there when the split occurred in the Kuomintang-Communist alliance. 国共分裂时他正好在那里。
6、【 recommend 】美:[&拭貉强跳#39;rɛkə'mɛnd] 英:[rekə'mend]vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付vi. 推荐;建议Ca荏鱿胫协n you recommend me a gardener? = Can you recommend a gardener to me. 你能为我推荐一名园丁吗?。But for most products, we recommend that you stick with more basic mouse actions. 对于绝大多数产品,我们建议你还是坚持使用更基本的一些鼠标行为为好。
7、【 deductible 】美:[dɪ'dʌktəbl] 英:[dɪ'dʌktɪb(ə)l]adj. 可扣除的;可减免的deductible from sth:可从…扣除的a 50 dollardeductible 50美元的免赔额