1、回家这个词语的英语读法是go home,Come home,动词回家。
2、例如:Everyone 衡痕贤伎should go to school and come home on time,每个人都应该准时上学和回家。
3、You go to school and come home together,你们一起上学,一起放学回家。
4、I got to work early and come home late,我上班很早,回家很晚。
5、Then finish your job and come home,那做完事就回家。
6、Go and play but remember to come home again,去玩吧,别忘了回家。
7、If andass go a travlling,he'll not come home a horse,吕子外出闯天下,回家不会变成马。
8、温馨提示:回家也可以用head home。