1、ARRAY Snow covered landscape. Good for snipers and long range firefights. Size: Large
2、CRACKED Streets of V坡纠课柩ietnam. Close engagements in and out of war-torn buildings. Size: Large
3、CRIS1S Hidden missile facility in Cuba. Intense indoor and outdoor battles. Size: Medium
4、FIRING RANGE Military practice facility. Hectic Domination games. Size: Small
5、GRID Soviet intelligence station. Fantastic Headquarters matches. Size: Medium
6、HANOI Fight in the infamous prison camp. Fierce Capture the Flag matches. Size: Medium.
7、HAVANA Cuban city. An abundance of tactical street fights. Size: Medium
8、JUNGLE Great vertical gameplay along a river valley in Vietnam. Size: Large
9、LAUNCH Battle at the launch pad of this cosmodrome. Perfect for any game mode. Size: Medium
10、NUKETOWN Nuclear testing grounds. Lots of fast paced action. Size: Small
11、RADIATION Uranium processing plant. Excellent objective gameplay. Size: Medium
12、SUMMIT Research facility on a snowy mountain. Fight from all angles. Size: Medium
13、VILLA Cuban estate. Good corridors for long range firefights. Size: Medium
14、WMD Abandoned Soviet base. Perfect for team games. Size: Large