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excel vba 进度表

时间:2024-10-14 04:15:16


excel vba 进度表

2、打开VBA,输入下面的内容:Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim ha荏鱿胫协ng As IntegerDim lie As IntegerDim Bcol As IntegerDim i, i1, n As Integern = 0hang = Range("ak1").Valuelie = Range("al1").ValueFor i = 2 To hangFor i1 = 2 To lieBcol = Cells(i, i1).Interior.ColorIndexIf Bcol = 1 Or Bcol = 16 Thenn = n + 1End IfNext i1Cells(i, lie + 1).Value = lie - n - 1n = 0Next iEnd Sub


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