1、用水晶球软件进行蒙特卡洛模拟To run a simulation using Crystal Ball®:1. Setup Spreadsheet1.设定数据表Build a spreadsheet that will calculate the performance measure (e.g., profit) in terms ofthe inputs (random or not). For random inputs, just enter any number.通过建立数据表可以对输入数据(随机的,非随机)进行评估。随机数据的输入,输入任意数即可。2. Define Assumptions—i.e., random variablesDefine which cells are random, and what distribution they should follow.
3、3. Define Forecast—i.e., output or performance measureDefine which cell(s) you are interested in forecasting (typically the performancemeasure, e.g., profit).3.预测结果的确定—例如,数据输出或者性能的测定确定哪些单元格的数据是你想预测的(典型的性能指标,例如,利润)4. Choose Number of TrialsSelect the number of trials. If you would later like to generate the Sensitivity Analysischart, choose “Sensitivity Analysis” under Options in Run Preferences.
4、4. 选择试验的次数选择试验的次数。如果 要生成敏感度分析图表,选择优先运行下的“敏感度分析”
5、5. Run SimulationRun the simulation. If you would like to change parameters and re-run the simulation,you should “reset” the simulation (click on the “Reset Simulation” button on thetoolbar or in the Run menu) first.运行模拟运行模拟。如果要改变参数重新进行模拟,需要首先重置模拟(点击运行菜单工具栏或者运行菜单下的“重置模拟”按钮)。
6、6. View ResultsThe forecast window showing the results of the simulation appears automatically after(or during) the simulation. Many different results are available (frequency chart,....