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英语 in good standing 什么意思

时间:2024-10-13 16:24:52


英语 in good standing 什么意思

2、第二,从这个意思里我们可以扩展到人,可以表示某个人“声誉良好”比如说 ,He was ingood standi荏鱿胫协ngwithin his department and that there were no issues of discipline ongoing.原文释义如图

英语 in good standing 什么意思


英语 in good standing 什么意思

4、第四,接下来我给大家分享几个非常棒的原声例句,大家要认真读哟。1。They were ingood standi荏鱿胫协ngand that meant that they were up to date with all of their payments and everything.2,The individual was ingood standingwith our firm so we let the trustee's office know that the debtor was making payments.

英语 in good standing 什么意思


英语 in good standing 什么意思

6、总结:企业,组织的身份没有被暂停或取消资格,因为遵纪守法,声誉好。 理解第三步图中这个短语的用法。 悟透原声例句,并学以致用。

英语 in good standing 什么意思
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