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时间:2024-10-31 04:06:04

1、第一、可数名词不能单独使用,前面需要加上a/an/the/this/that/my/his/your等限定词,否则就用复数。例如:Government should take measure to solve problem.[改]Governments should take measures to solve problems.

2、第二、动词的有效使用(1)英语动词原形不能直接作主语例如:Reduce the use o酆璁冻嘌f private 艘早祓胂cars can improve the air quality effectively.[改]Reducing the use of private cars can improve the air quality effectively.(2)英语动词被动,别忘了后面加-ed或者-d例如:Greater efficiency in water use is need to meet the growing demands of a changing world.[改错]Greater efficiency in water use is needed to meet the growing demands of a changing world.(3)一定要注意主谓一致例如:The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to solve.[改]The problems that are created by environmental contamination are very hard to solve.(4)只有情态动词可以加动词原形例如:A great number of people are like playing basketball.[改]A great number of people like playing basketball.(5)议论文里很少会用过去时例如:In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar.[改]In present-day society, cultures are becoming very similar.

3、第三、修饰要准确:形容词修饰名词,副词修饰形容词或者动词。例如:Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers.[改] Intelligent students should not be treated differently by their teachers.[page]

4、第四、介词搭配例如:Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globalisation.[改]Countries should pay attention to the disadvantages globalisation.

5、第五、代词距离名词比较远时就要看它的单复数例如:Some people do not protect the environment himself.[改]Some people do not protect the environment themselves.

6、第六、逗号不能单独连接并列句,必须加连接词。例如:Some people think that use should be limited, others argue that the opposite is true.[改]Some people think that use should be limited, but others argue that the opposite is true.

7、第七、there be 句型后面的名词再加动词时不要用原形。例如There are a great many students bel足毂忍珩ieve the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.[改]There are a great many students believing the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.

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