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Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记

时间:2024-10-12 13:50:01

Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记。本节介绍找到Mesh的顶点并且使用Gizmos的DrawSphere标记的简单案例,具体如下






1、Mesh:A class that allows creat坡纠课柩ing or modifying meshes from scripts.Meshes contain vertices and multiple triangle arrays. See theProcedural example projectfor examples of using the mesh interface.The triangle arrays are simply indices into the vertex arrays; three indices for each triangle.For every vertex there can be a normal, two texture coordinates, color and tangent. These are optional though and can be removed at will. All vertex information is stored in separate arrays of the same size, so if your mesh has 10 vertices, you would also have 10-size arrays for normals and other attributes.

2、OnDrawGizmos():1)功能描述Implement O艘绒庳焰nDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn.This allows you to quickly pick important objects in your scene.Note that OnDrawGizmos will use a mouse position that is relative to the Scene View.This function doesnotget called if the component is collapsed in the inspector. UseOnDrawGizmosSelectedto draw gizmos when the game object is selected.2)使用举例using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position, 1); }}

3、方法提示:1)使用Gizmos画球标记2)使用TransformPoint() 函数把局部坐标转为世界坐标

二、Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记


Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记


Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记

3、在工程中新建一个脚本“MeshTest”,双击脚本或者右键“Open C# Project”打开,具体如下图

Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记
Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记

4、在打开的脚本“MeshTest”上编写代码,首先获取“MeshFilter”组件,然后获取组件上的Mesh,接着把Mseh上所有的顶点转为世界坐标,最后Gizmos.DrawSphere 标记,具体代码及代码说明如下图

Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记

5、“MeshTest”脚本的短铘辔嗟具体内容如下:usingUnityEngine;publicclassMeshTest:MonoBehaviour{v泠贾高框oidOnDrawGizmos(){ MeshFiltertargetFilter=GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); Meshmh=targetFilter.mesh;Gizmos.color=Color.green;for(inti=0;i<mh.vertices.Length;i++){Vector3targetPosition=transform.TransformPoint(mh.vertices[i]); Gizmos.DrawSphere(targetPosition,0.1f); } }}


Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记


Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记

8、到此《Unity Mesh教程 之 快速找到Mesh顶点并标记》讲解结束,谢谢

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