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时间:2024-10-13 15:15:33

1、带走,拿走:Can you take this bag for me, please?您能帮我拿一下这个包吗?

2、吃,喝:I'll have a coffee and she'll take a tea.我要来一杯咖啡,她要来一杯茶。

3、拍摄,记录:She took a lot of pictures during her vacation.她在度假期间拍了很多照片。

4、占用,花费(时间、精力等):It takes about an hour to get to the airport by taxi.乘出租车去机场大约要花一个小时。

5、使用,运用:You should take this opportunity to learn 衡痕贤伎something new.你应该抓住这个机会学习一些新东西。

6、承担,承受:He took the blame for the mistake.他为这个错误承担了责任。

7、受,接受(建议、邀请等):Would you like to take a break and have some lunch?你想休息一下,吃点午饭吗?

8、乘坐(交通工具):We're taking the train to New York.我们要坐火车去纽约。

9、这只是 "take" 的一些常见用法,它还有很多其他用法。如果你有其他问题,请随时告诉我。

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