1、今天是草莓味的一天,出门采摘快乐。Today is a strawberry-flavored day. It's fun to go out and pick.
2、出门体验采摘的快乐,是喁滩倜怄草莓味的一天。It's a strawberry day to go out and experience the joy of picking.
3、万物皆可爱,愿你每天“莓”烦恼。Everything is lovely. May you have no trouble every day.
1、今天是草莓味的一天,出门采摘快乐。Today is a strawberry-flavored day. It's fun to go out and pick.
2、出门体验采摘的快乐,是喁滩倜怄草莓味的一天。It's a strawberry day to go out and experience the joy of picking.
3、万物皆可爱,愿你每天“莓”烦恼。Everything is lovely. May you have no trouble every day.