1、Descriptive essay is a wide-spread paper type that is intended to describe an object, a place, a building, a person or an event. When you start writing you should think about your descriptive topic and a place, event or a process you are going to describe. A good thesis statement is an important part of any essay and descriptive paper is not an exception. The thesis statement should be in a form of a question, the answer to which you give in the body part of the work. The following writing tips will help you learn more about how to write descriptive papers.
2、 Your work should be brief and comprise the introduction that presents the general idea of the topic, the main body that describes places, events or people so vividly that the reader can easily form a clear picture of the whole story, and the conclusion, which summarizes the entire paper.
3、 Be creative when choosing your descriptive essay topic. Your topic can deal with a particular event or refer to a general topic of an activity.
4、 Use detailed observations and descriptions rather than facts and statistics. Think about the reason you write this work. Use specific details and evolve into more specific details of a place or personal experience.
5、 Use a variety of adverbs and adjectives in your paper. Try to create a vivid picture for the reader to catch his attention. This may be fulfilled with the help of imaginative language, comparisons of places, objects, people and events that appeal to the senses. Focus on the five senses in your work: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.
6、 Use a variety of adverbs and adjectives in your paper. Try to create a vivid picture for the reader to catch his attention. This may be fulfilled with the help of imaginative language, comparisons of places, objects, people and events that appeal to the senses. Focus on the five senses in your work: sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.