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SQL Server中三个表两两关联 怎么实现查询急!!

时间:2024-10-13 08:17:20

select a.*

from 学员表 a

inner join 校区表 b on a.所在学校=b.所在学校

inner join 管理员表 c on b.区域=c.区域

where c.用户名=@用户名 and c.密码=@密码

SQL Server中三个表两两关联 怎么实现查询急!!


在SQL Server中使用join on 【inner join on】关联多表查询

select cyb.id, xa.name

from GeneShop.dbo.t_member_cyb cyb

join GeneShop.dbo.xx_admin xa on xa.id = cyb.hzjg_id

join GeneShop.dbo.t_bg bg on bg.cyb_id = cyb.id

where (cyb.cybbm=402045 and bg.product_id = 121) or (cyb.cybbm=402070 and bg.product_id = 118)


Select dbo.usersinfo.usercode,dbo.ryqxb.usercode,dbo.ryqxb.reportto,b.ename

FROM DBO.UsersInfo,DBO.UsersInfo B,dbo.RYQXB

where DBO.UsersInfo.UserCode=dbo.RYQXB.Usercode AND


参考资料来源:百度百科 - SQL JOIN

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