1、第一步就是标题了,关键就是你写什么以与朋友间的故事为例,那就写友谊friendship为标题,稍微出彩一点就genuine friendship,或以你文章象征友谊性质的物品名,例生日贺卡(一般不用,因为相对于语文作文而言,英语作文字数少太多,多写反而没分,切中要点更方便老师快速看万给高分)。
2、第二步就是拿平时所记的副词,短语开头了~不用我说,给些可以记得短语(并不代表全部,自己平时多注意搜集,百度这么好用,搜蕴螵盅遇搜单词短语一下子就出来了)如果是记叙文就大概简略道出事情原委即可(不过我很少遇到记叙文),如果说对比观点就简单分两小段(The topic of ————is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say........They hold their view for the reason of .....While others think that B is a better choice in the following reasons.....)问题解决类型(1提出问题,2解决,3提倡大家一起行动)等等类型短语副词:As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice .at first, at present ,currently, recently, first,second, third,in general, in the beginning, one the one hand,on the other hand, to begin with, first of all, generally speaking, in the first place, on the whole, lately, to start with, presently, now ......after,after that,afterwards,after a few days ,Besides,what‘smore,in addition ,second, in addition to,secondly , in fact ,similarly, in other words ,so , in particular, soon , in the same way ,still , by the way, then ,indeed , third , meanwhile, thirdly, moreover ,for another , no doubt , such as, obviously, later, of course,truly ,particularly, unlike , what is more ,.....
3、结尾就是强调主旨,也是平时记的短语,好听到不行的句子很重要~例如Friendship means understanding.It means forgiveness,not forgetting.It meansthe memories last,even if contact is lost.
4、如果是考研,雅思托福,那就选择专业一点的书背模板和单词句子,要知道任何投机取巧的办法都是在努力和熟练的情况下让自己从容面对考试用的~努力努力再努力肯定有好收获滴哟~~most important thing:给采纳~thx