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亚马逊的卖家LOGO及About seller怎么编辑

时间:2024-10-22 10:52:13


亚马逊的卖家LOGO及About seller怎么编辑

2、点击左上方Settings按钮》Your Information & Policies

亚马逊的卖家LOGO及About seller怎么编辑

3、点击Seller Logo

亚马逊的卖家LOGO及About seller怎么编辑

4、进行LOGO图案的上传或藤舔趾贶者更改。注意:LOGO图片像素必须是宽120,高30的比例,并且不可包含动画,可接受.jpg 及.gif的图片格式Note:Logo images 罪焐芡拂must be 120 pixels wide by 30 pixels tall, and they must have no animation. Image files should be in .jpg or .gif format.

亚马逊的卖家LOGO及About seller怎么编辑
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