1、glidev. 滑翔;滑动;消逝n. 滑行例句:The birds glide over the open ocean .鸟儿们在广阔的海上滑翔。英文释义: to move in a smooth way
2、tailorn. 裁缝vi.做裁缝vt.裁制,剪裁例句:A tailor can turn the cloth into fashionable clothing .裁缝能把布料做成时尚的衣服。
3、tropicaladj. 热带的例句:There are many different kinds of plants and animals in the tropical rain forests .热带雨林中有很多不同种类的动植物。
4、graduate箪滹埘麽vi. 毕业;渐变;取得资格vt. 授予......学位n. 大学毕业生;学位获得者adj.毕业的;研究生的例句: He fi荏鱿胫协nally graduated from the school !它终于毕业了!英文释义:To earn a degree or diploma from ( a school , college , or university )
5、policyn. 政策,计谋,政治组织例句:China has adopted one——child policy for a few decades .中国在过去几十年中实行独生子女政策。
6、brookv. 忍受,容忍n. 小溪,小河例句:I saw them rowing down the brook .我看到他们沿着小溪划船。英文释义:a small stream