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时间:2024-10-29 21:30:08




1、填写完整的签证申请表 Duly completed application forms2、2寸浅色背景照片,不要戴有首饰,不要遮盖眉毛和耳朵Passport sized recent photos X 2 per applicant3、护照(如有换发护照且有过出国经历者,要提供所有旧护照)All passports4、户口本(申请人的)Family registrar (if applicable)


2、、结婚证(如有)及公证(如果资金配偶提供或者配偶取得)Marriage certificate and associated notarized copy( if necessary)6、子女出生证明(如有)及公证(如果子女同时申请)Children birth certificate and associated notarized copy(if applicable)7、银行存单及存款证明。 Funds evidence.境外:(用来签证的个人资金担保每个人需要3100磅,家属需要1600磅每人)Outside the UK:(Main applicant: 3100 pounds, family member: 1600 poundsper person)境内:(主申请人 900磅,家属600磅每人)Inside the UK: ( Main applicant; 900 pounds, family member: 600 pounds perperson)均需要3个月以上的存款 ,最后一天在签证递交日期的28天以内The above mentioned funds need to be in the account for 3 months or above,and the last date of balance needs to be within 28 days of application.8、银行证明或者是金融证明20万英镑资金:如果是银行证明,请提供2封信件Evidence of funds of 200,000.00 pounds and with additional letter fromfinancial institution.


3、证明出信当天的余欧沁桤哎款,需要有抬头,正式盖章签字,账户姓名,账户号码,日期,金额等信息It needs to states the balance to date, the informat足毂忍珩ion should be stated on aletter headed paper with official stamp and signature, it should also confirm theaccount name, account number, amount of money etc.10、证明以上存款可以转换成英镑,并随时在申请成功后转移到英国其他类别的证明请进一步咨询。It needs to confirm that the above mentioned amount of funds can be freelyconverted Into sterling pounds and be transferred into the UK when theapplication is approved.11、如果是同居关系男女朋友名下的资产,需要提供过去2年的同居证明并请人出示同意申请人随意动用此资产的同意信。If the funds are held under name of a partner’s, evidence of 2 years of cohabitation and a letter of consent needs to be provided.12、主申请人雅思6.5 分以上成绩单或者同等C1 水平的成绩即可Main applicant needs to meet English requirement of IELTS 6.5 or C1 level of English.

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