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among other things什么意思

时间:2024-10-15 12:27:15

1、among other things是词组,是除此之外的意思我们分别用2个例子来看怎么使用

among other things什么意思

2、我们来看第一个例子怎么用Danny,among other things,you have to finish your project firstDanny,除此之外,你必须先完成你的项目

among other things什么意思

3、OK, I will do it好吧,我会做的

among other things什么意思

4、我们来看第二个例子怎么用Hey Angel,I am supper busy right now,among other things,I 茑霁酌绡have a very important paper to finishAngel,我现在很忙,除其他事情外,我还有一个很重要的论文要写

among other things什么意思

5、Danny,you need to manage your time。Danny,你需要安排好你的时间

among other things什么意思
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