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时间:2024-10-18 18:10:34

1、养颜芝麻黑豆浆。将10克花生和80克黑豆浸泡后,再与黑芝麻一起打成浆,煮开即可。这款豆浆非常适合女性饮用,具有乌发养发、润肤美颜、滋补肝肾、养血通乳的作用。英文翻译:Beauty black sesame Soybean Milk. Will be 10 grams and 80 grams of peanut beans soaked, and black sesame with beaten pulp, can boil. This Soybean Milk very suitable for women to drink, has the function of black hair, skin beauty, nourishing the liver and kidney, nourishing tongru.


2、长寿五豆豆浆。将黄豆、黑豆、青豆、豌豆、花生米五种豆按3∶1∶1∶1∶1的比例配好,浸泡6—12小时后洗净,与适量清水一起打浆后煮开即可饮用。此豆浆富含多种营养成分,长期饮用能降低人体胆固醇含量,对高血压、高血脂、冠心病、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病等有一定的食疗作用,还具有平补肝肾、防老抗癌、降脂降糖、增强免疫等作用,非常适合中老年人饮用。英文翻译:Five bean Soybean Milk longevity. Soybeans, black beans, green beans, peas, peanuts five beans in 3: 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio with good, soak 6 to 12 hours after the wash, beating together with the appropriate amount of water after the boil can drink. This Soybean Milk is rich in many nutrients,jumeituan.uz.taobao.com,long-term drinking can reduce the body's cholesterol content, has certain therapeutic effect on hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, but also has a flat tonifying the liver and kidney, anti-aging, anti-cancer, lipid-lowering immune function, very suitable for the elderly to drink.


3、红枣枸杞豆浆。将45克黄豆浸泡6—12小时,15克去核红枣洗净、10克枸杞洗净,一并加入豆浆机,再加清水打成浆后煮熟即可。有补虚益气、安神补肾、改善心肌营养之效,适合心血管疾病患者饮用。英文翻译:Red dates wolfberry Soybean Milk. 45 grams of soy soaking for 6 - 12 hours, 15 grams, 10 grams of red dates to the nuclear wash medlar wash, joined together Soybean Milk machine, add water into boiled pulp. A tonic Qi, sedative Bushen, improving myocardial nutrition effect, suitable for drinking in patients with cardiovascular disease.


4、花生豆浆。由黄豆和花生制成,具有补血益气、滋阴润肺的作用,适用于体虚瘦弱、大病初愈之人。英文翻译:Peanut Soybean Milk. Made from soybeans and peanuts, with blood and Qi, nourishing Yin Runfei role, suitable for physically weak and thin, serious illness person.

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