1、首先打开Microsoft Office Excel 2007,文件保存为《Excel数据怎样快速向下填满空格》,如下图。
3、然后插入了一个模块1,在代码框中复制如下代码:Sub 数据向下空格填充() '2020-5-14 22:26:27 Dim myrange As Range, i As Long, mb As Range, j As Long, c As Long, r As Long On Error Resume Next Set myrange = Selection c = myrange.Columns.Count r = myrange.Rows.Count For i = 1 To c For j = 1 To r If myrange.Cells(j, i).Value <> "" Then Set mb = myrange.Cells(j, i) If myrange.Cells(j, i).Value = "" And mb.Value <> "" Then mb.Copy myrange.Cells(j, i) End If Next j Set mb = Nothing Next iEnd Sub