1、第一项问答来了选择Yeah!!!Great monthly with lots of hot chicks!,答案的顺序会有所改变,选择正确答案即可。
2、第二个问题选择Everyone loves Playdude. I'm not an exception.
4、问答又来了,第一问选择I hate boats,I become seasick easlly。
5、2问:Can you give me some pills,Charley?
6、第三个问题选择May i ask you to keep me company.下面正式开始游戏阶段,女孩会随即选取5个问题问你相关的知识,五道题目都答对就过关了,如果答错一次女孩的心情就会减少一点,如果减少为0游戏就失败了。部分为选择答案句的最后一部分,正确答案如下:MalariaLong coatLithiumTongue depressorbananaWoodHair sample testCandyTake the patient's temperatureturkey and lettuce sandwich on wheat bread,water, and a bananastethoscope