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Latex 中表格添加标注的三种方法

时间:2024-10-15 01:09:56

1、\begin{table}\tbl{Radio-band beaming model parameters for\\ {FSRQs and BL Lacs.}}{\begin{tabular}[l]{@{}lcccccc}\toprule Class$^{\rm a}$ & $\gamma _1$ & $\gamma _2$$^{\rm b}$ & $\langle \gamma \rangle$ & $G$ & $|{\bm f}|$ & $\theta _{c}$ \\\colrule BL Lacs &5 & 36 & 7 & $-4.0$ & $1.0\times 10^{-2}$ & 10$^\circ$ \\ FSRQs & 5 & 40 & 11 & $-2.3$ & $0.5\times 10^{-2}$ & 14$^\circ$ \\\botrule\end{tabular}}\tabnote{$^{\rm a}$This footnote shows what footnote symbols to use.}\tabnote{$^{\rm b}$This footnote shows the text turning over when a long footnote is added.}\label{symbols}\end{table}

Latex 中表格添加标注的三种方法
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