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down to earth怎么用

时间:2024-10-17 00:10:44

1、修饰人He's a very down to earth person.他是一个很接地气的人。

down to earth怎么用

2、修饰性格He's got a down to earth personality.他的性格很接地气。

down to earth怎么用

3、修饰态度It's ea衡痕贤伎sy get along very well with someone who has a down to earth attitude.和接地气态度的人相处很自在。

down to earth怎么用

4、修饰地方This is a very down to earth restaurant.这是一家很接地气的餐厅。

down to earth怎么用

5、举例When you are 蟠校盯昂down to earth, you are realistic, reasonable, and does not imagine unnecessary things.释义:当你实事求是时,你便是很现实的、很有道理的、不会去设想不必要的事情。

down to earth怎么用
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