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时间:2024-10-13 10:01:35

1、O.D./O.S.:What you’ll notice fir衡痕贤伎st in your prescription are the abbr髫潋啜缅eviations of Oculus Dexter and Oculus Sinister. These are the latin terms for right eye and left eye respectively. Some prescriptions might even have an additional column labeled O.U. which stands for Oculus Uterque. O.U. refers to both eyes.Abbreviated latin terms are traditionally used in prescriptions for eyeglasses. However nowadays some doctors may use RE (right eye) or LE (left eye) instead of the latin O.D. and O.S.Interesting to know is that O.D. values appear before O.S. values on your prescription. Since your right eye is the first eye that your doctor checks because it is to his left, hence he notes down the right eye value first and then subsequently the left eye readings.


2、Spherical (SPH or sphere): Specifies if you're have either myopia or hyperopi锾攒揉敫a.This abbreviation indicates whether the patient is nearsighted or farsighted. Sphere refers to the amount of lens power prescribed to correct the diagnosed myopic or hyperopic condition. Negative numbering indicates nearsightedness while positive values are indicative of farsightedness. The further a value is from zero, the more the patient's vision has deteriorated. The spherical values on your prescription are measured in diopters (D).o Prescriptions with myopia (i.e. are nearsighted) will have a MINUS symbol followed by a number (that indicates the amount)o Prescriptions with hyperopia (i.e. are farsighted) will have a PLUS symbol followed by a number (which also indicates the amount).Please see the following pictures, which should be read as· Right:-0.50· Left:-1.25· Right:Plano· Left:-0.25


3、Cylindrical (CYL/Cyl坡纠课柩inder):The abbreviated term for Cylind髫潋啜缅er, CYL refers to the lens power reading for astigmatism. In the case that this column is left blank it would mean that the patient has no astigmatism, slight or is so small a value that it is not necessary to correct. Cylinder power always follows Sphere power in a prescription. If the reading in the cylinder column is preceded with a negative connotation then it signifies a correction for nearsighted astigmatism and a positive preceded value is indicative of a correction for farsighted astigmatism.Please see the following pictures, which should be read as :· Right:-0.25· Left:-0.50· Right:+0.50· Left:+0.50


4、Axis: Also written as ‘X’, it refers to the orientation of astigmatism. The Axis pinpoints a number from 0 to 180 with 90 representing the eye’s vertical meridian and 180 being the horizontal meridian. If a prescription includes a Cylinder power, then it also includes an Axis value which follows the CYL power though preceded by an ‘X’ if written freehand by the optician.Please see the following pictures, which should be read as :· Right:30· Left:160· Right:5· Left:47


5、Addition:Used to correct Presbyopia, it is the added magnifying power applied to the bottom portion of multifocal lenses. It is always a plus power even if not preceded by a plus sign. It is also generally in the range of + 0.75 to + 3.00 D and is the same power for both eyes.The following Addition is:Right:+2.50Left:+2.50


6、Pupil Distance:The distance between the centre of one pupil to the centre of the other pupil is the PD. Prescription glasses are made so that the distance between the optical centres of the glasses’ lenses, is the same as your PD.Right:31mmLeft: 37mm


7、so the prescription of the following Rx. should be read as : Sph Cyl Axis AddOD(right eye): -0.50 -0.75 083 +2.25OS(left eye): +0.25 -0.25 130 +2.25PD: 29.5/31

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