1、 正确的句子中一般不会用于文章中相同的单词或词组来表达。
2、 寻找与被选句子中某邗锒凳审个细节表达相一致的文章。(通常一致是指近义词的使用和同义表达的使用)
3、 一般每一篇文章至少被选一次,最多被选两次。
4、 本项中的解题顺序应该是:在阅读完一个被选句子后,用快速阅读的方法,迅速找到答案。切忌阅读全文。
Exercise One
1. This company has more than one vacancy in its factory.
2. Only graduate engineers will be considered.
3. This job requires qualifications but no previous experience.
4. Knowledge of two European languages is needed for the job.
5. Frequent international travel is part of the job.
6. You will receive an extra payment every year, in addition to your basic salary.
7. You will be employed for only a fixed period.
consultancy; graduate; graduate engineer; applicant; permanent post; inspector; accommodation; qualification; manufacturing; starting salary; basic salary; annual bonus
链接:What’s your ideal job?
Exercise Two
1. Selecting staff and getting them to work together
2. Suggestions to help you improve your memory.
3. Advice on working with both senior and junior staff.
4. Suggestions for dealing with difficult clients.
5. Developing oral and written presentation skills.
6. Advice on negotiating staff complaints.
7. Guidance on using television, radio and the press to your advantage.
小技巧:备选句中使用解释性的语言而相应的文章中出现技术性语言或“术语”。 反之亦然。
supremely; recommend; middle manager; time management; time-saving; best-selling; to get the most from; ambitious; to be new to;
链接:What's important when choosing a business book to study from?
Exercise Three
1. You need to have worked in an office before attending this course.
2. You would learn something about preventing accidents at work.
3. You would be able to sit an examination in typing.
4. This course is useful if your job involves greeting people and dealing with enquiries.
5. This course would suit someone with budgetary responsibility.
6. You would get practice in helping people in a group to communicate.
7. You would learn how to change the appearance of a letter or memo.