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时间:2024-10-29 15:35:11

1、安装方式及种类installation methods and types安全滑触线的安装方式分为上面滑触、下面滑触和侧面滑触三种,一般采用上面滑触。华宝滑触线提醒滑触线的配件支架一般为1.5-2米一个,特殊情况亦可采取加强措施,适当扩大距离,三根滑触线之间的相间距离为400mm,如为低阻抗滑触线,相间距离可扩大到450mm。The installation method of the sliding contact line is divided into three kinds of sliding contact, sliding contact and lateral sliding contact. Sliding contact line bracket accessory is generally 1.5-2 m a, special circumstances can also be taken measures to strengthen, appropriate to expand the distance, three root sliding contact line between the interphase distance 400mm, such as low impedance sliding contact line and phase distance can be extended to 450mm

2、如何正确安装支架 how to properly install the bracket支架应与行车路轨垂直安装,所有支架应与行车路轨保持水平。安装间隔距离为2m一套。为了保证滑触线的整体直线,要求支架安装纵向误差不得超出1cm,横向误差不超过2cm。Support should be installed vertically and driveway, driveway and all should maintain the level of support. A set of distance between the installation of 2m. In order to ensure the overall line of the sliding contact line, the installation of the longitudinal error of the bracket shall not exceed 1cm, the lateral error is no more than 2cm.

3、如何安装绝缘材料组件how to install the insulation material components将绝缘材料组件固定在支架的预留间隙孔上,确保绝缘子整体直线。The insulating material component is fixed on the reserved clearance hole of the bracket to ensure the whole line of the insulator.

4、如何连接滑线how to connect the slide line将滑触线两端用连接专用固定板固定,拧紧螺丝,保证滑线接头处平整即可,滑线连接夹板长度为18~22cm,连接后接头间隙为3-5(mm)。The two ends of the sliding contact wire are fixed with a special fixed plate, and the screw is tightened to ensure that the smoothness of the joint is smooth. The length of the slide wire is 18~22cm, and the joint clearance is 3-5 (mm).

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