1、Take care.Take care on the roads. They are really icy.路上小心,外面冷。
2、Mind how you go.It was great seeing you. Mind how you go, the traffic is terrible on the motorway.见到你很开心。路上多加小心,高速公路路况很差的。
3、Look out!Look out! There’s a car coming.小心,有车来了!
4、Watch out!Watch out! The pavement is slippery.小心!路滑。
5、Easy does it.Ok, you’re almost there, easy does it. That’s great. Thank you so much for helping me move the sofa.好了,基本快搞定了,轻轻地啊。太棒了,非常感谢你帮我挪沙发。
6、Steady.Steady! Are you sure you don’t want some help carrying your bags?小心点!你确定你不需要帮你拎包?
7、Better safe than sorry.You should pack a couple of torches and some blankets for your journey. Better safe than sorry. (We can also say: it’s better to be safe than sorry.)你应该为旅行准备一些手电筒和床单。小心驶得万年船。
8、You can’t be too careful.I’ve locked all the doors and wi荏鱿胫协ndows and padlocked the gate. You can’t be too careful these days.我把所有的门窗都上了锁,还将大门用挂锁锁上了。这些天再当心谨慎也不为过。
9、Be careful.Are you going to walk through the park at this hour? Well, be careful. You never know who’s lurking in the park.你打算在这个时间段穿过公园吗?那么,小心点哦。你很难想象公园里潜伏着什么。The common formal expression we see on the roads and public buildings is: Never mind the dog, beware of the owner.马路上和公共场所经常可见的正式表达用语:不用怕狗,小心它的主人!
10、BewareNo entry. Beware of the guard dogs.不要进来,小心门口的狗。Beware of the dangers of drink-driving.酒驾危险,小心行驶。