What's Chen Jie like?的意思是:陈杰是什么样的人?
You use what in questions when you ask for specific information about something that you do not know.当你询问一些你不知道的事情的具体信息时,你会使用问题中的内容。
例如:What do you want?你想要什么?
2、Chen Jie是中文拼音,意思为陈杰。
If you talk about what something or someone is like, you are talking about their qualities or features.如果你谈论某物或某人是什么样的,你就是在谈论他们的品质或特征。
例如:What was Bulgaria like?保加利亚是个怎样的地方?
What does he look like ?和 What is he like ? 的区别:
What does sb. look like? 用于提问人的长相、外貌,意为“他长得什么样?” “What's sb. like? ”用于提问人的性格、品质等,意为“他是个什么样的人?”。试体会:
What does Cathy look like? 卡西长得什么样?
She's tall, and she has black hair. 她个子很高,一头黑发。
What's Ruth like? 鲁思是个什么样的人呢?
She's quiet and a little shy. 她很文静,有点害羞。
参考资料来源:百度翻译-what's chen jie like?