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时间:2024-10-18 19:26:46

1、燃气壁挂炉忽冷忽热的原因:(The reasons for the sudden heat and cold of gas wall hanging furnace:)

2、使用了混水(Mixed water used)在家里有太阳能、电热水器、燃气热水器、空气能热水器的,在同时使用时会造成水温的忽冷忽热。在厨房里和卫生间的淋浴都是有混水装置!使用混水装置时也会造成忽冷忽热的。(If there are solar energy, electric water heater, gas water heater and air energy water heater at home, they will cause the temperature of water to change from cold to hot when they are used at the same time. The shower in the kitchen and bathroom is equipped with a mixing device! When using the water mixing device, it will also cause a sudden change of heat and cold.)

3、水压的不稳定(Instability of water pressure)当壁挂炉水压过低时、系统的功率会增大,壁挂炉的超温保护功能会自动保护停机,系锱亻绢螬统会停止加热。当水温降下来时,又会自动启动重新加热,这样就会会产生忽冷忽热的现象。(When the water pressure of the wall hanging furnace is too low, the power of the system will increase, the overtemperature protection function of the wall hanging furnace will automatically protect the shutdown, and the system will stop heating. When the water temperature drops, it will automatically start heating again, which will produce the phenomenon of hot and cold.)

4、水垢比较多(There is a lot of scale)一般会是因为水垢太多,壁挂炉板式热转换器就会堵死或者损坏了,火焰会一会大一会小,在这个时候壁挂炉会自行调节,情况严重的会导致壁挂炉熄火,就会热水忽冷忽热。(Generally, because there is too much scale, the plate type heat converter of wall mounted furnace will be blocked or damaged, and the flame will be larger or smaller for a while. At this time, the wall mounted furnace will adjust itself. In serious cases, the wall mounted furnace will be flamed out, and the hot water will be hot and cold.)

5、燃气压力不稳定(Unstable gas pressure)在安装壁挂炉时可能燃气进气管进了水,燃气进气管如果连接是U形的。燃气压力就会与水压不稳定,这种情况会让火焰不稳定忽大忽小,让水一会热一会冷。(During the installation of wall mounted boiler, water may enter the gas inlet pipe, if the connection is U-shaped. The gas pressure and water pressure will be unstable, which will make the flame unstable, large and small, and water hot and cold.)

6、水管距离太远(Water pipe is too far away)热水出水口和壁挂炉设计的距离太远,会让系统开始工作到恒定温度这段时间较长,关闭热水重新开,开始的那一会水是热水,期间会有一段冷水,再出热水The design distance between the hot water outlet and the wall mounted furnace is too far, which will make the system start to work at a constant temperature for a long time. Close the hot water and restart it. The water at the beginning is hot water, during which there will be a section of cold water and hot water again


7、燃气壁挂炉忽冷忽热解决方法:Solution to sudden cold and heat of gas wall hanging furnace:

8、水压问题,找物业管理处调一下水压,造成热水器水温不够热或者一会儿热一会儿冷,如果淋浴的水量并没明显的减小,排除谁呀的问题;Water pressure problem, find the property management office to adjust the water pressure, resulting in the water temperature of the water heater is not hot enough or hot for a while while while cold, if the water volume of the shower does not significantly reduce, who should be excluded;

9、出水处和热水器距离较远,要确认热水器的冷水是不是开到最大了,这很关键,自来水没开到最大,出水处调水温,热水器会因流量不够、温度高而关火启动保护措施;The distance between the water outlet and the water heater is far. It is crucial to confirm whether the cold water of the water heater is turned on to the maximum. If the tap water is not turned on to the maximum, the water temperature will be adjusted at the water outlet, and the water heater will turn off the fire and start the protection measures due to the insufficient flow and high temperature;

10、水如果是屋顶的水箱供水的,压力大小只跟你家距水箱的高度差有关系,水压不够可考虑加装水泵;If the water is supplied by the water tank on the roof, the pressure is only related to the height difference between your home and the water tank. If the water pressure is not enough, you can consider adding a water pump;

11、使用瓶装液化石油气的用户,检查一下减压阀是不是正常;将热水器水量调节按钮调到最小看看;如果以前不会忽冷忽热,查看一下热水器的入水口处是否堵塞;试过以上方法都不行,自己没有解决办法,直接找热水器售后上门维修服务;(For users of bottled LPG, check whether the pressure reducing valve is normal;Adjust the water volume regulating button of water heater to the minimum;If it is not hot or cold before, check whether the water inlet of the water heater is blocked;Try the above methods are not good, I have no solution, directly find the water heater after-sales door-to-door maintenance service;)

12、热水器使用的时间太久老化问题,需购买新机,建议购买一种可根据燃气热水器的实时用水量和进出水温度的变化,瞬间精准判断,以全优姝耒匝揎化状态,指挥燃烧系统分段燃烧,同时命令独特的无级风机,合理调配燃烧空气所需,实现超效节能,让水温始终恒定这样的热水器。这样洗澡就不会再出现忽冷忽热了。For users of bottled LPG, check whether the pressure reducing valve is normal;Adjust the water volume regulating button of water heater to the minimum;If it is not hot or cold before, check whether the water inlet of the water heater is blocked;Try the above methods are not good, I have no solution, directly find the water heater after-sales door-to-door maintenance service;

13、燃气壁挂炉是集水、电、气于一体高度集成的特殊设备,长期运行会出现积灰、积碳、结垢、密封件老化等等问题,否则容易积小患成大病,这和汽车需要定期保养是一个道理的,所以需要定期进行保养维护。Gas wall mounted furnace is a special equipment which integrates water, electricity and gas. It will have problems such as ash deposition, carbon deposition, scaling, aging of seals and so on during long-term operation. Otherwise, it is easy to accumulate small and get serious diseases. This is the same reason that the car needs regular maintenance, so it needs regular maintenance.

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