1、 Give yourself a quick confidence boost by striking a "power pose."摆出“力量姿势”能让自己快速提高自信。Did you know that something as simple as striking a powerful, confident pose can trick your brain into actually feeling more confident? Well, it can. Really.你知道吗,仅仅是摆出有力的自信姿势就能给大脑一种错觉,好像真的感觉更自信了。恩,真是这样!Try this: Next time you're feeling nervous about something —like a job interview, for example —try taking a couple minutes right before and adopting this pose: Stand straight up, push your shoulders back and chest out, and place your hands on your hips.试试:下次你感觉紧张时,比如要参加面试时,试着提前抽出几分钟时间,摆出这个姿势——站直,肩膀后倾,挺胸,手放在臀部。Studies have shown that this pose can lead to a short-term increase in confidence and reduction in stress. How does this work?研究表明这种姿势能短时间内提高自信并减压。为什么会这样呢?"Our nonverbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Our bodies change our minds," said Harvard Business School social psychologist Amy Cuddy in a 2012 TED Global talk.哈佛大学商学院社会心理学家Amy Cudd在2012年TED全球论坛上说:“我们这种非语言的行为控制着我们对自己的想法和感觉,身体能改变思想。”
2、 觊皱筠桡Convince yourself you have the ability to improve.说服自己有能力提高。Now, this sounds like one of those "easier said than done" type suggestions, but it's actually not. Think about the things in your life you can't change and those you can. You can't change your eye color or your height, for example, but you can change your physical strength through training.现在这听起来像是诸多“说起来容易做起来难”的事情之一,但其实并不是。想想生活中你无法改变和能够改变的事。例如,你不能改变眼睛的颜色或身高,但你能通过锻炼改变体力。Ask yourself if your goal is something you have the power to improve upon (even if improving might be really difficult). Is your goal to become a better public speaker? That's something you can improve upon. A better interviewer? That's a skill that can be honed. Have more upper body strength? With training, that's possible, too.问问你自己针对目标你是否有能力做出改变(即使改变很困难)。你的目标是成为一个更出色的演讲者?你能做到。想成为更好的面试官?这也能磨炼出来。想要增强体力?通过锻炼也能实现。What you'll find is that there are very few things in life truly set in stone. We all have our own limitations, but as long as we can remind ourselves that we're not stuck, we have incentive to stay motivated.你会发现生活中真的没几件事是做不到的。我们都有自己的局限,但只要我们能提醒自己不被困住,我们的积极性都能被激发出来。
3、 Fail. Get up. Try again. Repeat.失败了就站起来继续尝试。如此循环往复。You're going to fail, and that's a given. What matters much more than whether or not you fail is how you react to that setback. Do you get up? Do you regroup, come up with a new strategy, and try again? Or do you just throw in the towel?你会失败,这是一定的。比你失败与否更重要的是你如何应付挫折。你站起来了吗?你重整旗鼓、想出新的点子然后再次尝试了吗?或者你认输了?If we can learn to fail, we can learn to succeed.如果我们能学会失败,我们就能学会成功。更多分享,Enter认真学习。