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JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line

时间:2024-11-10 17:39:14

创建JSP的时候出现了Multiple annotations found at thi衡痕贤伎s line,不知道怎么解决,本人今天也遇到了这个情况,然后使用下列方式解决了问题。

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line




1、Multiple annotations found at this line: - The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path - Line breakpoint:NewFile.jsp [line: 1]javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet没有找到Java Build Path。

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line


1、既然系统没有找到Java Build Path,我们可以手动帮他找找,具体有以下几步。

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line

2、项目右键,点击build path,选择configure build path选项进入下一步,具有参考下图:

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line

3、在configure build path界面下找到,java build path项,Libraries选项下的Add Library,如下图,

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line

4、在Add Library下找到server Runtime 然后next,操作如下图所示。

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line

5、server Runtime下,选择你的服务器,然后finish,然后你可以看到错误消失了,具体参考下面所示。

JSP:Multiple annotations found at this line
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