1、Shop assistant 营业员:Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Customer 顾客:Yes,I'm looking for a T-shirt.是的,我在找一件T恤衫。
2、Shop assistant 营业员:What size are you?(What is your size?)你的尺寸是多少?Customer 顾客:I泌驾台佐39;m an extra large.我是特大号的。注意:a 在遇到后面的单词以下五个元音a,e,i,o,u开头的,就要变成an。
3、Shop assistant 营业员:How about this one?这个怎么样?Customer 顾客:Yes, that's nice. can I try it on?是的,很好。我能试穿一下吗?
4、Shop assistant 营业员:Certainly, the fitting rooms are over there.当然,试衣间在那边。Customer 顾客:Thank you.谢谢。
5、Shop assistant 营业员:How does it fit?合身吗?Customer 顾客:It's too large. Do you have a large?太大了。你们有大号的吗?
6、Shop assistant 营业员:Yes,here you are.当然,给你。Customer 顾客:Thank you. I泌驾台佐39;ll have it ,please.谢谢。我要它。I'll=I will 我会
7、Shop assistant 营业员:OK,how would you like to pay?好的,您想怎么付款?Customer 顾客:Do you take credit cards?你们接受信用卡吗?
8、Shop assistant 营业员:Yes, we do. Visa,怡觎现喾Master Card and American Express.是的,我们收。维萨卡,万事达卡和美国运通卡。Customer 顾客:OK,here's my Visa.好的,这是我的维萨卡。
9、Shop assistant 营业员:Thank you. Have a nice day!谢谢你!祝你有美好的一天!Customer 顾客:Thank you,goodbye.谢谢你,再见。
10、XS=extra smallS=smallM=mediumL=largeXL=extra large