1、Click Sent Items in Outlook在邮件中点击已发送邮件
2、Double click the message you want to recall双击打开需要撤回的邮件
3、Outlook 2007: Select Other Actio艘绒庳焰ns,and click Recall this messag髫潋啜缅e…Outlook 2007: 选择“其他操作”,点击“撤回该邮件”Outlook 2010: Select Actions, and , andclic Recall this message…Outlook 2010: 选择“操作”,点击“撤回该邮件”
4、Select “Delete unread copies of this message” and “Tell me if recall succeeds or 熠硒勘唏fails foreach recipient”. Click OK.选择“该邮件的未读副本”以及“告诉我对每个收件人的撤回操作是成功还是失败”,点击确定。
5、If succeed, you will receive a message like below.如果成功,你将收到下图所示的邮件。