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时间:2024-10-15 19:23:39

1、一、柠檬香蕉减肥茶材料:新鲜香蕉一片,鲜柠檬一片,菊花9朵。制法:先把杯子温热,然后投入菊花和柠檬,注入开水,盖上盖子浸泡五分钟;把柠檬菊花茶去渣,放香蕉入茶中稍加浸泡即成。这是一道抑制食欲从而减肥的柠檬茶。柠檬的酸和香蕉的涩一旦混合,就会产生化学作用,可以控制饥饿感,降低食欲。英文翻译:A banana, lemon tea reducing weightMaterial: fresh banana piece, fresh lemon piece, chrysanthemum 9.System of law: first, put the cup of warm, and then into the chrysanthemum and lemon, injected into the boiling water, cover the lid for five minutes; the lemon Chrysanthemum Tea to slag, put the banana into tea slightly soaked into.This is a way to lose weight by suppressing appetite lemon tea. Citric acid and banana acerbity once mixed, will have the chemical action, can control hunger, reduce appetite.


2、二、柠檬海带减肥茶取100克鲜海带,洗净后用刀划痕,放在不锈钢杯中的清水里,再加入100克鲜柠檬汁煮沸,放冷后可适当加少许冰糖饮用。海带含碘,可促进甲状腺素分泌,提高新陈代谢,柠檬汁能舒张软化血管,加速血液循环,还可增进胃肠消化功能。这样就可以消除积滞的皮下脂肪,达到减肥目的,饮用量可自行定,但不宜常食用。英文翻译:Two, lemon seaweed slimming teaTake 100 grams of fresh kelp, cleaned with a knife scratches, placed in the stainless steel cup of water, then add 100 grams of fresh lemon juice, boil, after the release of cold may be appropriate to add a little sugar to drink.Kelp iodine, can promote thyroid hormone secretion, improve the The new supersedes the old., lemon juice to the softened diastolic blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, can promote gastrointestinal digestive function. This can eliminate the subcutaneous fat accumulation and stagnation, achieve the purpose of weight loss, consumption can be decided by itself, but not often eat.


3、三、柠檬蜂蜜酒取鲜柠檬汁1汤匙,蜂蜜1汤匙,加入白兰地酒适量。晚间饮用,既可帮助入睡,提高睡眠质量,也有益于养颜、减肥。英文翻译:Four, lemon honey wineTake fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon honey, add brandy amount. The evening drinking, can help sleep, improve sleep quality, but also conducive to beauty, weight loss.


4、四、自然柠檬水减肥法柠檬水可以解渴且冲淡想吃东西的欲望,因此可有效抑制不当饮食,加上一天总共15分钟的运动,效果会十分显著。这套减肥法现在在日本是最流行的,在家里自己操作就可以达到减肥的效果,所以被称为「家庭主妇」式的喝水节食法,十分有效。减肥方法如下:1、一公升的水里加上半粒柠檬原汁,并置于冰箱里,温度较低易有清凉爽口的感觉。2、每日至少喝下三公升的柠檬水,不需特别节食或禁绝零食,但必须时时补充柠檬水。3、必须搭配每日15分钟运动,不必持续进行,分散时间亦可有助于排汗,目的是为了排除体内有害物质。温馨小提示:最好是早晨和上午喝,晚上喝容易跑厕所,影响睡眠,而且第二天早上会有眼袋。英文翻译:Five, natural lemonade dietLemonade will quench your thirst and dilute the desire for food, it can effectively inhibit the inappropriate diet, plus a day for a total of 15 minutes of exercise, the effect will be very significant. The diet is the most popular now in Japan, at home own operation can achieve the effect of weight loss, so called "Housewives" type of drink diet, very effective.Weight loss methods are as follows:1, a liter of water with half a lemon juice, and placed in the refrigerator, the temperature low tend to have a cool and refreshing feeling.2, drink a day for at least three liters of lemonade, without any special diet or the banning of snacks, but you must always add lemon water.3, must be with a daily 15 minute exercise,jumeituan.uz.taobao.com, not a continuous basis, dispersing time may also contribute to sweat, the purpose is to rid the body of harmful substances.Warm tip: the best is the morning and the morning drink, drink in the evening to run toilet, affect sleep, and there will be bags under the eyes, the morning of the second day.


5、五、柠檬醋一种可食用的醋,具有减肥养颜美容的功效。柠檬耐久易保存,含丰富的维生素C,能防止牙齦红肿出血,还可减少黑斑、雀斑发生的机率,并有部分美白的效果。柠檬皮还有丰富的钙质,所以为了达到理想的效果,最好还是连皮榨汁最有营养。柠檬与醋同样具有减肥效果,这样看来,柠檬醋的确是能养颜美容,也可以说是一种健康食品。如果你饭后喝一小杯,就能让自己元气大增,精神焕发,也更美丽窈窕。但是柠檬与醋的酸度都很高,空腹喝太多会伤胃,要尝试不可不小心。柠檬醋一直是民间流传的小偏方。可是究竟如何才是制作柠檬醋的方法呢!相信许多人还是一头雾水,别担心!今天就让你充分了解,只要方法适当减肥效果可是不容忽视的。制作方法:1、选购漂亮的柠檬10斤。2、回家将柠檬洗净、沥干。3、买冰糖与糯米醋各10斤。4、选购容量大一点的玻璃容器。(到一般的五金行,买20入的容器)5、将柠檬头尾切除,切成薄片。(柠檬一定要全干不能有水气,才能够切片,否则会坏掉)6、将切好的柠檬片放入玻璃容器中。7、然后将冰糖与糯米醋放入。8、然后将瓶盖盖紧,约3个月即可食用。以上的制作方法可依柠檬量做变动,一般来说是一斤柠檬配一斤糯米醋与一斤冰糖。你可以依自己的喜好来制作。原则上是要浸泡3个月才可食用,而一定要加入冰糖,比较润肺不伤胃,对减肥者是一大福音。柠檬醋的喝法:必须经过水来稀释,原则上是水加入,约柠檬醋的10倍,比例是1:10,喝起来会比较好喝。英文翻译:Six, lemon vinegarAn edible vinegar, with skincare slimming effect. Lemon durable easy to save, rich in vitamin C, can prevent bleeding gums are red and swollen, still can reduce dark spots, freckles and the probability of occurrence, and some whitening effect. Lemon peel are rich in calcium, so in order to achieve the ideal effect, the best or the most nutritious juice with skin.Lemon and vinegar also has a slimming effect, it seems, lemon vinegar is indeed a beauty to beauty, also can saying is a kind of health food. If you drink a small cup of after dinner, can make their own significant increase in strength, One's spirits are flourishing., and more beautiful and slim. But the acidity of lemon and vinegar are very high, fasting drink too much can hurt a stomach, try not to be careless.Lemon vinegar has been a popular folk small folk prescription. But how is the production method of lemon vinegar! I believe that many people still confused, don't worry! Today lets you fully understand, as long as the appropriate method of weight loss effect but can not be ignored.Making method:1, buy beautiful lemon 10 catties.2, home to wash the lemon, drain.3, to buy sugar and glutinous rice vinegar of 10 pounds.Glass container 4, buy a bigger capacity. (container to the general hardware, buy 20 input)5, the lemon head tail resection, thinly sliced. (lemon must dry moisture can not have, to be able to slice, or it will go bad)6, the lemon slice in a glass container.7, then the sugar and glutinous rice vinegar.8, then put the cap tightly, about 3 months you can eat.Making method above can do is change the amount of lemon, lemon with a pound pound of rice vinegar and a pound of sugar in general. You can according to their own preferences to make. In principle is immersed to eat for 3 months, and must add rock sugar, comparative Runfei not to hurt the stomach, is a gospel of weight loss.Drink lemon vinegar:Must be diluted through the water, in principle is about 10 times of water added, lemon vinegar, the ratio is 1:10, it will be better to drink drink.

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