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时间:2024-10-11 18:51:10


1、进入控制面板:点此进入,进入控制面析之后,点击左侧的“24/7 Help Center”,会看到如下图所示页面:


点击上图中的”Create New Ticket” ,创建一个新的ticket,下面以申请退款为例,依次选择:

Product Type: My Web Hosting AccountTicket Category: BillingSubject Category: CancellationCategory Detail: Please cancel my account

2、点击上图中的”Create New Ticket“之后,打开如下图:




按上图中填好信息,点“SAVE ADN CREATE TICKET”按钮就可以创建一个新的ticket了。


Ticket Type:– General Inquiry (一般的询问)–existing account (存在的账户)—通常我们都会选择这一项

Product Type:–My Web Hosting Account (主机账户)–Registration of My Domains (注册域名)

Ticket Category:–Affiliate(相关的)— subject category: other(其它)– individual subject(自定义主题)

–Billing(帐单)— subject category: Account management(账户管理)–category detail: Modifying or changing credit card information修改信用卡信息) – category detail: Obtaining an Invoice(获取发票)–category detail: Purchase Hosting Accounts(购买主机账户)–category detail: Upgrading and downgrading Plans(升级或降级方案)— subject category: Cancellation (取消账户)— subject category: other — individual subject

–Comment(评论建议)—subject category: other — individual subject

–Sales(销售)—subject category: other — individual subject

–Technical(技术)—subject category: backups(备份)– category detail: Provide backup of database(数据库备份)– category detail: Provide backup of my site (站点备份)– category detail: Provide full backup of account(全账户备份)– category detail: Restore database from server backup (从服务器备份中修复数据)

—subject category: control panel issues(控制面板问题)– category detail: Failed to enable mail domain alias/mail service (邮箱别名邮箱服 务)– category detail: Unable to add mail resource(不能添加邮件资源)

—subject category: database server issues(数据库服务器问题)– category detail: Add “plpgsql” language support for postgresql database(为postgresql添加“plpgsql”语言支持)– category detail: Change database charset or collation(改变数据库字符集或者校对)– category detail: Grant custom permissions on the database(给予数据库权限)– category detail: My database driven site is slow数据库驱动慢)

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