2、首先初步输入代艨位雅剖码要求计算机提示用户输入数字,并且会自动转换为里面。但是这个是错误的,因为metres * 100不是字符串。metres = input("Please enter the metres that you want to transfer into centimetres:")print(metres + "m" + "=" + metres * 100 + "cm")
3、加了STR后,还是错误,因为METRES是数字,数字要和数字相乘。metres = input("Please enter the metres that you want to transfer into centimetres:")print(metres + "m" + "=" + str(metres * 100) + "cm")
4、metres = input("Please enter the metres that you want to transfer into centimetres:")print(metres + "m" + "=" + str(float(metres) * 100) + "cm")这个才是正确的,可以键入数字检查是否可以执行。
5、为了让程序观看方便,定凶及淄靥义变量cm。metres = input("Please enter the metres that you want to transfer into centimetres:")cm = float(metres) * 100print(metres + " m " + " = " + str(cm) + " cm "
6、也可以用.format(),这样修改起来会非常方便。metres = input("Please enter the metres that you want to transfer into centimetres:")cm = float(metres) * 100print("{} m = {} cm" .format(metres, cm))